march 1st, 2025

hello! i figure i should make a blog entry and introduce myself here. i'm topa, 20 years old, and i'm a lesbian! not much else to say about me except that i really like reading, writing, and roleplaying.

by the way, i'm planning on eventually making a roleplaying website where people can find roleplaying buddies and rp with each other. my friends say that it could be a good idea, but i'm mainly worried about people being weird. i suppose i can't actually control the people who would use it, but i would love to have strict moderation for it or something. let me know if you would like that idea! i'm not sure what sort of theme i would have for it either, but it's whatever, lol. i'll figure it out as i go along! that's kind of what i'm doing with this website, honestly. i think that i should plan out the second website, but... maybe later. i'm so lazy...

anyway, today i was babysitting my niece and nephew, but after that, i kind of just slept most of the day. recalling the events of today probably makes me seem a little lame, but whatever. after my hibernation, i actually ended up playing minecraft with one of my newer friends. i'm not a very social person, despite working with kids, but i like to play things with friends. games are so fun!!! gaming...

i was trying to build my house, but i have to get so many materials of it. thank god for minecraft youtube tutorials!! i named my cats after luka and hyuna from alien stage (please talk to me about them i will throw up and tweak out about mizisua specifically) and they look just like them. i need nametags for them though... sighs. maybe one day i'll be able to get all the materials i need. i have to find some dark oak, but i don't think i have around. we left spawn and i think there isn't any around.

also, it's a new month! i'm glad it's march, since i'm planning on getting ducks eventually. i have to set up the duck coop (which is really just like a metal enclosure off of amazon), but at least i have the chicken feed and stuff. i wonder if it ever goes bad, because i've had this for like... two years, but then we got busy and ended up moving to a more secluded area. we're about 15 mins away from any ounce of civilization. with the ducks, i'm wondering what to name them. please let me know if you have any suggestions for names in the guestbook. please just tell me it's for the ducks, as i'll probably be confused, lol.

i don't really have anything else to talk about, not much is happening in my life. i'm feeling pretty good today, though! i hope you guys are having a good day as well.

sorry for the really bad aesthetics here, but i'm lazy and i don't really like figuring things out for small things like this.